3 months ago we decided to close our doors due to COVID-19. Today we finally received good news. Mare Blu will be opening its doors this coming June 16th. In keeping with guidelines required by our local and federal government as well as the health department we will be taking safety measures which include the following:
Be safe! See you soon!!! Julio Valenzuela and Mare Blu TEAM
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For our clients and families:
For more than 10 years, Mare Blu Ristorante has been a place of comfort and rest, a place where our kitchen’s priority and daily goal has always been our customer’s satisfaction. Through these years together, we have witnessed many changes which have always had a single priority… our clients. As always, the Valenzuela family has focused on ensuring the safety and well-being of our clients, employees and their families. The recent circumstances involving COVID-19 and its threat to public health have caused us to make unprecedented changes. It is with all this in mind, that we have made the difficult decision to temporarily close Mare Blu. Furthermore, all reservations and/or events scheduled within dates of the mandatory quarantine are hereby cancelled until further notice. We view this worldwide challenge as an opportunity to come together as members of society. Thus, with this decision, we hope to answer the call to come together as a society to protect our public health. We are grateful for the prayers offered on behalf of families affected by this situation including employees, and emphasize, our priority is the safety of our clients, employees, and their families. Mare Blu will continue to uphold high standards of health and safety and make a commitment to re-open to the public as soon as public health officials determine it is safe to do so. Sincerely, Valenzuela Family |
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